Rulluma MTG Artwork Generator

Empower Your Ideas with our Artwork generator powered by ChatGPT!


Designed for collecotrs and gamers of Magic: The Gathering, our tool leverages ChatGPT to bring your proxy concept to life. Seeking inspiration for your proxy is now easier thanks to our generator.


How It Works


Step 1 - Dream or Conceptualize: Start with this prompt - Animated artwork for the [card] from [set expansion] and idea (e.g. proxy is inspired by [theme].



    Step 2 - Concept Overview: Watch as the AI interprets your prompts shares a concept overview.



      Step 3 - Refine: Use simple and specifc prompts to instruct the AI to create your artwork based on the two concepts if you encounter any issues.




        Step 4 - Allow the Generator to Create the Art: Watch as the AI creates your art.



          Step 5 - Share and Create: Download your artwork for personal use, share it with the MTG community, or use it to create your own custom cards.