AI can help us create jaw dropping images that we couldn't create in minutes. The latest that we added in our AI collection are our Imagine a warrior series that are making waves in our Instagram and Tiktok accounts.
These print-ready photos show warriors wearing their armor and arming themselves with unique weapons based on their professions.
Each portrait has slight variations but all come in greyscale format, no makeup required. It's not hard to see from these warriors so our viewers from our Instagram account can easily determine what part each are playing.
Our partner who helped us create these images from Wonder app, which were then share on Instagram. Checkout some of these warriors below.
Imagine a Warrior - V1
Fierce and intimidating - the V1 warrior is inspired by imagining a gladiator and a barbarian combined.
Imagine a Warrior - V2
Majestic isn't it? - the V2 warrior is inspired by imagining a warrior that looks like Kamahl pit fighter from Magic the Gathering. We also play MTG to keep us inspired be more creative.
Imagine a Warrior - V4
The relentless V4 - this warrior is inspired by imagining a warrior that will fight for the Pharaoh, the sand warrior. Got the inspiration from the Mummy Returns - The Scorpion King.
Imagine a Warrior - V5
The V5, a fighter from Asia - this warrior is inspired by imagining a warrior from the Malay region and the fighter from the Philippines, Lapu-Lapu.
Imagine a Warrior - V8
The V8, another fighter from Asia but a defender of China - this warrior is inspired by imagining a warrior that the defends the great wall of China.
Imagine a Warrior - V9
The V9, - this warrior is inspired by imagining a warrior that is a combination of a barbarian and cyclops.